Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Boominzer Trailer 1 - Smiles (Eric) gives his take

For the last 9 months, I have been working on a movie. Now it's finished, and this is the first trailer:

Smiles, the Teddy who plays Eric in Boominzer 2 gives his take on the film, but perhaps says a little too much!

Thursday, 14 January 2010

RSS on Funnyhacks.com

This is long overdue to announce this, but RSS is now available on Funnyhacks.com. Its the organce icon floating at the top right of every page. If you click it on the entry page, you'll get a feed of everything I do, or you can click it on the individual channels to get a feed of only that channel.

Funnyhacks.com is the place to go for everything I do now. This blog is no longer maintained.